Virtual reality exhibition “Life Chronicles” at Eclipso Atlanta

Virtual reality exhibition "Life Chronicles" at Eclipso Atlanta

“Life Chronicles” features lush landscapes and realistic depictions of prehistoric life. (Photo supplied by Eclipso)

In just 45 minutes, visitors to Eclipso Atlanta’s latest immersive exhibition, “Life Chronicles,” will experience a dazzling virtual journey through more than 3.5 billion years.

On the way, participants will experience a micro- and macro-view of the world – from the depths of oceans to the canopy of tropical forests and through the landscapes of great geological periods.

Transport guides, a woman named Charlie and a flying robot named Darwin (who looks a bit like a one of the “Despicable Me” minions, only with wings), encourage visitors to get physical by “sidling” across narrow precipices and rock outcrops, crouching down to “pet” prehistoric horses, “sinking” to the ocean floor to observe huge sharks and colorful fish, and “elevating” to the tops of jungle treetops.

Yes, it’s virtual reality, but standing in the middle of a herd of migrating elephants or battling dinosaurs, it’s easy to suspend belief and marvel at the sheer size and magnificence of these creatures. 

The information Charlie imparts during the journey can be a little technical for non-science-y people, but after each “transport” to a new period in the Earth’s existence, there is a pop-up globe that identifies the time frame, what part of the world is being explored, and the types of life forms visitors will see.

Guides Charlie (left) and Darwin transport visitors through a journey that spans 3.5 billion years. (Photo supplied by Eclipso)

Unlike other virtual reality experiences where visitors are “swept” through paintings or plunged into sudden darkness, “Life Chronicles” seems more personal, relying more on the panoramic views and life-forms to tell the story. 

“Life Chronicles” is making its American debut after its launch at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in France last year, as well as stints at Eclipso centers in Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux and London.

According to Excurio, the VR company that produced the experience, the expedition is the result of a close collaboration between Excurio and the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle “involving the museum’s paleontologists, paleobotanists, evolution specialists and bio acousticians from script writing to 3D production, as well as the creation of the graphics and sounds.”

“Life Chronicles” is located at 550 Somerset Terrace near the Beltline. Operating hours are Tuesday-Friday from noon to 8:00 p.m., Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tickets start at $27 and can be purchased online. 

“Life Chronicles” joins “Horizon of Khufu” and “Tonight with the Impressionists: Paris 1874” at the same location.

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