Tucker City Council discusses street lighting project

Tucker City Council discusses street lighting project

A rendering shows the finished Tucker Town Green project, which is under construction. A pilot program to install WiFi in the area has been initiated. (Courtesy City of Tucker)

The Tucker City Council heard a presentation regarding progress on the Tucker Summit Commercial Improvement District’s street lighting program.

Tucker-Summit CID’s Larry Kaiser said the organization has received agreements regarding the lighting program from 54% of the businesses in the affected area.

“We want to see light everywhere,” Kaiser said at the Dec 9 meeting. “We know that bad actors like the dark for criminal activities.”

The finished project would involve illuminating more than 360 streets involving the installation of more than 270 light poles, as well as upgraded lighting at existing poles.

“Well-lit industrial streets discourage criminal activity, while enhancing overall public safety, which results in a CID industrial district safer for everyone,” a report submitted by the group said.

The council was to receive updated information from the CID this week, and will continue conversations about next steps.

The council also heard about a pilot program to implement Wi-Fi and security enhancements in preparation of the opening of the city’s newest park, the Tucker Town Green. 

Micah Siebel, assistant to the city manager, said six new light heads have been installed in selected areas from Lavista Road and Lynburn Drive southward, adjacent to the city annex property. 

“This targeted section of the trail will provide users with access to the Wi-Fi amenity,” Siebel said. “The objective of this project is to assess the feasibility of public Wi-Fi and security camera installations in high-traffic pedestrian areas within the city. If the pilot proves successful, it could serve as a model for broader service expansion.”

 In other action, the council:

  • Heard that construction contracts have been awarded for the Johns Homestead and the Lake Erin Dam rehabilitation projects that will start this winter. Staff will share details at an upcoming public meeting on Jan. 16 at city hall starting at 6 p.m.;
  • Was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Tucker Municipal Court staff members;
  • Held a public hearing on an ordinance to require permits for film production within city limits;
  • Recognized DeKalb County Commissioners Steve Bradshaw and Rob Patrick for their financial contributions towards building restrooms at Peters Park;
  • Approved the reappointment of Chief Judge Steve Nicholas to the city’s municipal court for 2025.

The December meeting was the last one of 2024.

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