One man’s opinion: Droning on

One man’s opinion: Be wise… exercise!

Like most folks, I have a wide spectrum of friends. Some, who tend to lean in a more Progressive direction, seem to think more government and government spending is the answer to most every societal ill, challenge or problem. Those on the Conservative or even Libertarian side of the street favor smaller government, more individual liberties and market-based solutions.

Most of those minds intersect in wanting safe streets, communities and public schools, even if they don’t believe in ‘government’ run schools.  Though I do believe that there is intelligent life in other parts of this large universe, and I have seen a few things over the years that I could not identify or entirely explain, I have yet to see an Unidentified Flying Object… long known as UFOs.

For the past several weeks, across New Jersey, parts of Virginia and Maryland, and most recently around Boston, there have been dozens of nightly sightings of unusually large drones flying in cluster formations, some as large as an SUV (and reportedly with pilots on board) as well as drones lingering over military installations, at least one nuclear power plant and other sensitive government facilities, as well as residential areas. Local government officials have witnessed the drones, and formal complaints and correspondence expressing concern have come from Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin as well as well-regarded former Maryland Governor and U.S. Senate candidate, Larry Hogan, sharing that he captured video of nearly a dozen large drones near his home in Davidsonville, MD.

According to USA Today, via tip lines and complaint government email addresses, more than 5,000 sightings have been reported to the FBI. And our federal government’s response so far… there is nothing to see here.

Yes, drones are considered aircraft by the FAA.  But concerned mid-Atlantic, New York, and New Jersey residents are getting ready to start shooting these ‘electric birds’ out of the sky.  The second round of responses, once the chorus of concerned voices grew louder, is that these were actually fixed wing aircraft. NO, planes, jets and drones do not move or fly similarly, in terms of trajectory or speed, and planes and jets can’t hover.

Then more recent answers, and conspiracy theories range greatly, from an Iranian mother-ship offshore, to these being fully legal, civil aviation and nothing of concern. 

Okay, if these are fully legal and registered drones, they ping their radio frequency, and they do show up on radar, and the FAA can ‘see them.’ Then let’s share with the public who is operating these fleets and if they are legal, why are they only being seen in the sky in the dark and at night?

 We spend trillions on national defense, and have a fleet of satellites in the sky that can read license plates on cars pointed at eye level, when the satellite cameras are vertically overhead.  Yet somehow we can’t track a pack of over-sized drones? 

Kidding aside, for the Director of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas to say, “We have not seen anything unusual, we know of no threat or nefarious activity,” he is in effect telling thousands of responsible, reputable adults, eyewitnesses and witnesses, you are not seeing what you think you see.

What a colossal, steaming pile of manure.  You may recall, less than a decade ago, Amazon, UPS and other mass shippers were publicly speaking of shipping deliveries within certain geographic parameters delivering to homes via drone. That hasn’t happened to date, but pilot programs are still being tested and explored.

We know that drones have become massive weapons of war and drone aircraft now often carry out the most dangerous assignments, as well as more easily undetected attacks where the United States might not wish to leave any footprints. Why would we not believe that our enemies and frenemies have similar or even more sophisticated tools in their arsenals? Propaganda and Oppenheimer aside, it was German scientists who did most of the front-end work on developing the world’s first nuclear bomb.

As with those mystery weather balloons a few years ago, have the FAA issue a strong warning and advisory to ALL registered drone owners and pilots, position National Guard and Homeland Security personnel in key repeat drone sighting areas, and shoot a few of them out of the sky. That should start answering some questions.

Sorry for droning on, but given that we have supposedly the most sophisticated military and intelligence apparatus on the planet, this question should be near fully answered well before Santa and the sleigh are back in the air in about a week.  

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