Light show at Economy’s house raises funds for Make-A-Wish

Light show at Economy's house raises funds for Make-A-Wish

Santa is ready for your wish list at Victor and Theodora Economy’s house in Smokerise Summit. (Photo by Cathy Cobbs)

Victor and Theodora Economy have a light show every holiday season at their home at 1833 Smokerise Summit, which could be the greatest understatement in the history of understatements.

Hundreds of installations on their corner lot include every imaginable form – elves, snowmen, nativity scenes, a Christmas countdown clock, gingerbread people, Disney characters, sleighs and even a light-up shark –  from late November to Dec. 29 starting at 5:15 p.m. and going until 11 p.m. 

On selected days, there’s even a real live Santa, who’s ready to hear a simple wish from kids from one to 92. 

The displays take weeks to set up and days to take down, and Victor says every November he wonders why he’s still in the game.

“I question myself every year, but when it’s up, it’s all worth it,” he said. “We’ve done it for 32 years at this house, and 42 years all together.”

The Economy’s house is ablaze every night from 5:15 to 11 p.m. (Photo by Cathy Cobbs)

But there is also a method to the Economy’s madness. Each year, the family raises money to fulfill a Make-A-Wish request for a deserving child. They have gathered anywhere from $12,000 to $13,000 annually for the past few years, and their goal for 2024 is $15,000, which is about the price tag needed to fulfill the wish.

A collection box sits near the home’s mailbox, and signs around the yard contain a QR code with the Make-A-Wish’s Venmo site. 

Economy said the nights with the most donations seem to happen when volunteers man the holiday light display.

“It seems like people are more likely to give when there is someone out there,” he said. “And we really need more volunteers this year.”

To that end, Make-A-Wish has set up a Sign-Up Genius website for volunteers that runs through Dec. 29. Time slots are 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 

Once a person signs up, he or she will receive a confirmation email with instructions from a Make-A-Wish representative. Anyone with further questions about volunteering can email [email protected].

The Economy family purchases most of the display items themselves or from people who are ready to get rid of theirs. Sometimes they get an anonymous donation.

“It may be July and we will come home to a snowman or Santa in my yard,” Victor said. “But for the most part, we buy everything.”

The family said observers can get the full experience by parking in the cul-de-sac just down the street and walking in front of the house.

He said the family has never received a single complaint from surrounding neighbors, and in fact, one has allowed the display to spill over to the adjoining yard.

“They are great people, all of them,” he said. “They are the best neighbors in the world.”

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